Book Review : Grit

“Grit: Passion, Perseverance, and the Science of Success” is written by Angela Duckworth. I have listened to the audio version of this book read by the author herself. I liked her voice, good to listen. The book is peppered with her research stories and findings along with stories from other researches in the field. The audio book is easy to follow with very little technical jargon. I felt its written like a reporter article type in a daily newspaper. The examples are good and inspiring. She’s packaged passion and perseverance and presented it to us with the term “Grit”. There’s not much new to tell about success, only it tells in a new way.

Rating: 4/5. Its a good book, benefits all with examples and finding. The follow of the topics is good. The topic of passion and perseverance and its association with success is well discussed.

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