Book Review : The Science of Enlightenment

“The Science of Enlightenment: How Meditation Works” is written by Shinzen Young. I have gone through the audio version of this book. The book starts with an introduction of how Young became a monk. Originally he intended to just study about meditation but then became a disciple and went through training himself in Japan. Later returned to US. I think what stuck with me was some advice from him on meditation, initial year one could be sleepy, mindful meditation also called Vipasana (which is observing self), one should stay at meditation practice – even when on is disheartened that there is nothing much happening – slowly and surely perspective is change as more one discovers one self through meditation. His experience are interesting while his description of some process does not appeal much. He wants that there be some day a technology by which anyone could meditate easily.

Rating: 3/5. Some parts are interesting to listen to. But many parts it seems repetitive and not able to connect.

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