Book Review: 12 Rules for Life

“12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” is written by Jordan B. Peterson. I have listened to an audio version of this book. Starting 2-3 chapters seem to be good and then the book wavers a lot from the chapter topics. I am not sure why the author discusses at some point some stuff which is not related to the topics. Though he discusses in depth I feel its only his momentary thoughts and nothing related to topic. Its a book that promotes more of christianity, though it could have been kept away without diluting the content.

Rating:2/5: Topics are good, content loses its grip after the 1st few paragraphs in each chapter. Not a book I would recommend.

Book Review : Inner Engineering

“Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy” is written by Sadhguru. I have listened to the audio version of this book narrated by Sadhguru. Its book that mostly deals with Indian mystiscism, yoga and gives some practical exercises to get in sync with one’s inner self. The book starts with short biography of Sadhguru’s initial journey towards his spiritual enlignment. Some things he discusses from the view point of a mystic. Many he discusses on the practical aspects of spirituality. He discusses things more wrt sharing rather than emphazing his viewpoints. Topics like Yoga, Adiyogi, Tantra,Mantra,Isha Foundation etc are discussed.

Rating:4/5. A good book, written honestly with the aim of improving the quality of life, lessen the burden of material possession and bring overall happiness to one’s existence.

Book Review: The Alchemist

“”The Alchemist” is written by Paulo Coelho. I have listened to an audio version of this book. This book has gained lot of  acknowledgement for its subject. Its a book based upon story of young shepherd who sells this sheep and sets out to find a hidden treasure in Egypt. The book gives a lot of advice on pursuing a “personal legend” or a dream. This is widely read book and will be an easy read.

Rating: 4/5. A very good inspirational story.

Book Review: A Life in Questions

“A Life in Questions” is authored by Jeremy Paxman. I have listen to an audio version of this book. Its narrated by the author itself who happens to be a presenter on BBC for most of his life. I did not know who Jeremy is until I listened to the book. Its an autobiography. The most interesting is the voice and also the tone of the book which in many places seems genuine and uncensored. Overall its a good book to listen to about the life of Jeremy, his career in BBC and his various interview with some well known faces. Nothing much discussed on his personal life or relationships.

Rating: 3/5. Some parts are interesting. One gets to look at the professional life of a TV presenter.

Book Review : The Art of Thinking Clearly

“The Art of Thinking Clearly” is written by Rolf Dobelli. I have listened to an audio version of this book. This book I had completed last year and am reviewing it after long gap. Might not be accurate. This book about a number of tips which will help one in decision making. Its a book that takes note of our baises that go into decision making. It gives us a sense of why we are subjective rather than objective when approaching various circumstances in life.

Rating: 3/5. Book with lot of discussion on out biases. Nothing new but is interesting.

Book Review : Everyday Ayurveda

“Everyday Ayurveda: Daily Habits That Can Change Your Life in a Day” is written by Bhaswati Bhattacharya. I have read a print version of this. I felt like its a realy nice good advice book. I myself was facing some health issue so reading this kept in a sort of positive mindset and made me to think how I could make my life better just by following some good advice in the book. The author intertwines her childhood memories, her present situation in life, her experience with how ayurveda help her and how she helped others to get better. Its seems that she has good understanding of ayurveda, may not be very deep though. She limits the discussion in book to mostly daily routines and natural treatment or remedies to certain illness. Mostly she is concerned with ways Ayurveda could help to improve one’s well-being on day-to-day basis.

Rating: 3/5. Its a good book for someone who’s just looking for ways to help revitalize their daily life and how that would propagate into a better fullfilled life eventualy. Its a book of advice.

Book Review : The Gene

“The Gene: An Intimate History” is written by Siddhartha Mukherjee. I have been through an audio version of this book. It was as good as his book on the topic of cancer (review here), in this his personal life experience is a bit less. He discusses on the topic of human genome project, how gene sequencing has helped in identifying genes responsible for genetic diseases, somethings related to eugenics, stems cells and the future of gene technology where genes could be used to alter the make up of human species itself.

Rating: 4/5. I have thoroughly enjoyed this very informative book in the field of gene technology and its advancement. All topics are treated equally deep.

Book Review : The Big Picture

“The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself” is written by Sean Carroll. I have been through an audio version of this book. I enjoyed the whole book. Its interesting because it deals with physics, cosmos, spirituality, human life, thinking. I understood Bayesian thinking in which one has some preconception about a fact, he tests the fact and then updates the understanding about the fact. Something what many may not like is the discussion in which the author supports on naturalism and almost may turn you into atheist.

Rating: 3/5. The discussion on lot of topics on physics and cosmology is good. The discussion on naturalism and thinking is stretched. At some point one could think that the author is only discussing of his interests and not connecting with reader.

Book Review : Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength

“Jim Stoppani’s Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength” is written by Jim Stoppani. Its truly a condensed encyclopedia of many exercise and nutrition tips. He starts with exercise plans, later covers description of different movements effective for different muscle groups and finally ends with nutrition discussion. Its comprehensive and seems quite up-to-date with inclusion of calisthenics and whole body exercises as well. I took long time to read, doubted if ever I could finish.

Rating: 3.5/5. Good sections would be on exercise plans and nutrition. No in-depth discussion on nutrition. Description of movements is very brief and lacks photos, beginners my not be able to follow.

Book Review : Books for Living

“Books for Living” is written by Will Schwalbe. I have listened to an audio version of this book. I liked the tone of the book in its narrative convention. The book is about books that the author is fond in relation to inspiring him at various stages in life, and also relating to his various events in his life. He  weaves the books along with his own episodes of life. He also discusses about his gay orientation and its various aspects and episodes. Well, the list of books I don’t remember much but a person “Lin Yutang” appears in lot of places in the book and author is greatly influenced by his philosophies in life.

Rating: 3/5. The book on books is enjoyable to those who like reading, its not inspiring. It is fascinating to reading through though.